Call for Prayer

The Hopi ask for Prayers and support

The Hopi people live in their Villages high on the Mesas of the Arizona desert as their ancestors have for close to a thousand years. Many of the homes of the Hopi still made with stone, no running water and no electricity. Although the modern world moves closer to them and more homes have electricity they still choose to live simply. They follow an ancient Traditional way of life, planting their corn in the dry sand of the desert and holding Ancient Ceremonies.

Tradition to the Hopi means maintaining the Ceremonies that are performed the same way they have since the beginning of this world

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. Through the teachings of their Ancestors the Ceremonies are performed through an extremely complex and intricate set of rituals. All aspects of life are part of the ritual and prayer. The women support the men, the children, food, water, earth, air, animal life all play rolls within each step of the process. Through these Ceremonies they pray for the balance of the earth, humanity, plants, animals, the universe and all life. They pray for us.

Each Village, Clan, Kiva and Ceremony are unique in the teachings they pass from generation to generation and so each part of this society makes up the delicate web of life that creates the balance or imbalance of life itself. If one is pushed out then imbalance occurs and and it is said that what happens in Hopi will effect the world.

We are in a unique time on the planet and every day more people are feeling the pains of a world out of balance. The Hopi themselves know that they must take actions to protect their Way of Life from those who simply do not understand their ancient ways and bring back the this balance of life.

The Traditional religious Leaders of the Village of Shungopavi as well as many other Traditional people recognize that they must speak out to protect all life, in all directions. Their right to follow their Religion is slowly being taken from them and so they are stepping forward to ask for your help to protect all that is Scared.

What we are facing in our community and see in the outside world is a reflection of a world out of balance. This can only be restored with us working together in harmony through prayer and actions.

Join us in prayer to our mother earth, humanity and all life that we may live with peace and balance with the natural world.

We send our prayers out into the world in our daily prayers and our monthly Ceremonies. Join us to restore the balance.

We thank you for your Hopi Heart in joining with the Heart of Hopi.

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